2018.4 Attending Las Vegas CineCon Exhibition in USA


25 एप्रिल ते 27, 2018 पर्यंत आम्ही जगातील नामांकित सिनेमा उद्योग व्यावसायिक प्रदर्शन सिनेकॉनमध्ये भाग घेतला. कंपनीच्या परदेशातील व्यवसाय विभागाने किंगदाओहून अमेरिकेच्या लास वेगासमध्ये उड्डाण केले. आमचे बूथ चायना फिल्म ग्रुपच्या वतीने आयोजित चिनी उद्यम प्रदर्शन क्षेत्रात होते.

During the period, QDBOSS showed our best-selling and featured products including polyester fiber acoustic panels, fabric acoustic panels, fiberglass acoustic ceilings, flame-retardant fabrics, etc., which attracted customers from all over the world, including the United States, Mexico, Ireland, the United Kingdom, In Peru, Indonesia, Canada, Denmark, etc., many prospective customers placed sample orders or paid a deposit on the spot, and some old customers visited us at our booth and gave us souvenirs. 

Through this exhibition, we have further expanded The company is well-known in the North American market and has developed more new customers. Our company has continuously participated in this exhibition every year, received good market feedback and established a good brand reputation. Thanks again to the friends who visited this exhibition , Looking forward to your long-term cooperation.

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